Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Latham's summer of 2008

This was our little trip to Bear Lake in July.

Brigette enjoying her
time in the sand.

Laurae enjoying her
time in the water.

Mike teaching Kevin
how to boogy board.

Brigette, Laurae,
Mike, and Kevin
having fun in the

Went to the Minnetonka
Cave while we
were in Bear Lake.

Macey Classes for the summer

Kevin enjoying what
he made that day.

Brigette, Laurae and
a cousin really into
their coloring and drawings.

Laurae trying to figure
out what she is doing.

Rock Climbing at Mona's fair
Laurae age 7, Mike age 30, Kevin age 2 1/2, and Brigette age 5

Kevin, Brigette and Laurae having a great time at Grandma and Grandpa's house swimming and going down the water slide.
We had a great summer and now it is time to go back to school for Laurae (she is in 2nd grade this year) and for Brigette (she is in kindergarten this year). Kevin isn't starting preschool until next year.